
What’s new 40Fine Women..

Whats your desires. They can be as simple as getting your hair or nails done. Taking a trip. Starting a business. What is it, or what is it going to be.

Lets first learn to take a bit of time to schedule, “ME TIME” in our lives. We tend to forget about ourselves. Times flies extremely fast. We wake up, see wrinkles, maybe or maybe not. Then we glance around our home, glance at the time and wonder where it went. Well, we’re going to skip that part today. Take a deep breath, and ask yourself, “When was the last time I thought of something for my self?” Majority of the time, when we do for ourself, because we have sacrificed so long for others, we will enjoy that little bit of “SELF” time and not allow the: “what if’s and what not’s to overshadow our well-being.

So today, schedule in some “U” time!



For we are WOMEN. We cannot be duplicated because with are authencated! We are a unique specimen that is to continue to create and mold life. We are passion, love, gentle, kind, aspiring, strong, natuere, elegant, joy, and happiness. Yet, we keep it all together.

Were in this world together. No matter where you are in the world we have the same likeness, because we are WOMAN. Our desires and pains are the same. And each and everyday we grow strong, bolder and wiser. We are the creators and human makers. We must continue on.

So welcome the WOMEN of the world. WELCOME! My name is Lisa Dixon and I’m glad too meet you!